Friday, April 07, 2006

Chessmen update.

Four down and 28 to go. I am getting a little faster. The rook shown here didn't take nearly as long to turn as I thought it would. I still need to file out notches at the top to give it that "crenellated" look. The rook needs to be parted off the base, but I wanted to show someone tonight before that is done. You can see rough square wood all the way through the process of a shiny finished piece. Oops, I forgot to put the final coat of finish on it too, so I need that base. Glad I didn't part it off yet!!

Here's the rook, showing the top so you can see that it is scooped out.

And here are the four completed pieces. Notice how the rook is slightly darker than the other 3 pieces? It comes from the same tree, but a different "stick". If I put these in sunlight, I think they will all brown up just right. Poplar does, indeed suntan.


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