Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Trouble brewing? (part two)

See the previous post for the details of the situation.

I suppose my neighbor has thought about things a little bit and decided that he doesn't want to put his truck at risk. So he has added a twist. I wonder what he will do when he decides not to put his trailer at risk. I recall a while back when he had the trailer up on blocks while repairs were done to it, so it would be a shame if the trailer gets damaged.


At 2:50 PM, November 28, 2006, Blogger cheryl said...

How long was the truck at the edge of the street prior to the addition of the trailer? Maybe he will use the same amount of time to come up with the fact that the trailer may come under the same fire as the truck. Next he will add a boat.

At 9:02 PM, December 04, 2006, Blogger Marcel said...

Will you drop the other shoe and go over there and talk to that guy. I want info not more tantalizing.


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