Trouble brewing?

The picture above is taken from my (bedroom) office window. It shows a pickup truck for the guy that lives across the street from me. Notice how it is parked at the street and his driveway is definitely long enough for him not to do that. He has a 2 car garage and there is a minivan at the entrance to one of the garage sides.
Yesterday I had lunch with a neighbor...different one. He was telling me how MY neighbor is becoming a real nuisance to the neighborhood. There were a couple of grievances, the most recent being that he parks his pickup truck right at the very end of the driveway. Now, I had seen this before but not even given it a second thought. I figured that he had a third car and was allowing room for that third car to go around and be parked in the garage. I never made any kind of judgement about it and it doesn't affect me because the exit to the neighborhood is to the right at the top of my driveway. I rarely ever go the other way.
But my lunch friend/neighbor says that this guy is doing this intentionally so that people driving by will not go onto any of his "precious strip of grass." And that he has done other things to divert traffic as well. In fact the city forced him to remove some huge stones he had parked on his lawn by the street...but at the corner, not the driveway.
So I took a closer look. The hitch ball on the truck is actually in the street, even though the bumper is over the driveway. Now I understand my friend's complaint. Anyone coming too close will damage their car...not to mention damaging the truck too. It is a passive aggressive maneuver by the truck owner.
But I have two questions:
1. Why does he need to park his truck there? First, his grass isn't all that great. Second it looks trashy. He is protecting the look of one thing at the expense of another. Just doesn't make sense.
2. Why does my friend complain about it to me? Am I supposed to go ask the guy to move his truck? No way! I wasn't even bothered by it until it was pointed out to me.
And that brings up another concern. Say someone reports this to the neighborhood association or the police, and they tell the guy to move his truck. Will he then think that I was the one that ratted on him? I've never bothered him before and he doesn't bother me. But the other day I was watching him blowing his leaves and he saw. It was innocent...he has a cool attachment he made for his riding lawnmower and I admire the ingenuity. But if he is told to move his truck, perhaps incidents like that will make him think I'm spying on him.
SO, in the words of Dad/Marcel..."What would you do?" I don't know what's going to happen, but for sure SOMETHING will. I predict that a teenage driver is going to smash into that truck (my mailbox post gets hit about 3 times every 5 years...usually by a teenager not paying attention).
Go talk to the guy and get it over with. I am interested if he is doing it for spite or just because he is oblivious to what goes on in the neighborhood.
That was me in the previous post, I guess I did not hit the right buttons. Also wanted to know what was the interesting attachment that he had. Ask him about it today, tell him your Dad is curious.
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That is meant to be pushed and one would have the controls on the handle bar. My neghbor either modified or built a different frame and attaches it to his riding mower and pulls it. Not sure what he did about the controls though.
Incidentally, two years ago a different guy used one of those push blowers on my front lawn. He had everything in a neat pile at the street in about 5 minutes. With my backpack blower the same amount takes over a half hour which includes the need to rake leaves onto a tarp and drag them over to the road. Once a pile is sufficiently high enough my blower doesn't move it well. problem!
I would go and talk to him about his interesting blower attachment. It will get you brownie points because he will be flattered that you liked his modification and you may be able to find out what is up with the weird parking without coming off as aggresive.
Like Erika said.
Hey Tim,
Sounds like this bothers others more than you, so I wouldn't invest any more energy (worry) in it. Some people try to get others wrapped up in their troubles or concerns (in the hopes their battles may be fought for them or to qualify their gripes). Don't bite! If he gets "ratted" out by someone, and there is some infraction taking place, he's got it coming. If he thinks its you, so what?, you didn't do it so fret not! Be true to you man! I've really enjoyed your blog in the past, this is the first time I felt compelled to say something. Keep up the good work!
Thanks anonymous!
I think I know who you are by some of the words you used. If you want to remain anonymous, send me an email so I know for sure who you are...that is if you have my email.
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