Sunday, June 05, 2005

Who ya gonna call? Bee busters!

On Saturday I was awakened early by a phone call from Jeff, who said that he and Robert would come over in an hour to remove the bees. An hour later they were here.

Here they are getting ready.

Jeff is older and retired and is teaching Robert the business. Robert needs the bees, so is doing the work for free. Here is Robert after removing the vinyl soffit. He is starting to pry open the plywood.

After doing that Robert removed the insulation that was in the way, exposing the nest.

Robert then dropped the nest into a hive box and used what they call a bee brush to try to force any flying bees into the box. Both he and Jeff say this just makes the bees mad, and anyone can see that by this picture.

They packed up and took the bees. Thanks were given from both them and me. Robert said he will bring back a jar of honey from these fellows when it is! I was walking around taking several pictures. Got approached a few times by bees, but did not get stung once.

Elsewhere in the yard, the unnamed rose is in bloom. See how pretty?

And a closeup of one:

That's pretty much it for the weekend. Getting over a head cold and I didn't feel like doing much else except reading and napping.


At 10:02 AM, June 06, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is a gi-normous hive!

At 10:41 AM, June 06, 2005, Blogger Tim B. said...

The picture makes it look bigger than it was. I think it was about the size of a canteloupe.

Thanks for looking and commenting!!


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