Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Breaking boards

August 30, 2008. We had to break 7 boards in 4 or more stations. For myself I decided to do this with 4 stations. Only the second one (side kick) was a single board. The other 3 stations were 2 boards each. "Nailed" em.


At 8:26 PM, September 23, 2008, Blogger Marcel said...

I have seen you break boards before but not using four stations. There was a hesitation at the last station, was that because he was not holding the board correctly?

At 11:16 AM, September 25, 2008, Blogger Tim B. said...

I was concerned that the guy was holding the boards just a little high. I asked him to lower it just a bit.

What isn't shown is the "setting everything up". It was a little chaotic. In previous tests there was rehearsal as to who would hold for which break. But that organization was lacking this time, so the fellows holding weren't all mentally prepared.


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