Friday, November 11, 2005

Visitation weekend plan

Finally! I have my son this weekend. I've been missing him a lot, especially since my ex-wife's 4th husband is in town. The two of them give me the creeps and it makes me sad that my little fellow has to be with them so much.

Anyhoo, here is what I have planned for us.
1. We're going to move some firewood. I intend to take it to the widow of a neighbor. See post below.
2. We're going to go see "Chicken Little." At a Drive-In !!! In "Mayberry" !!!! Cool. Here's a link:
3. And one weird thing. I want to find the grave site of "Chang and Eng Bunker." They were the guys that are well known as the "original" Siamese Twins. You've seen them in various books. So have I. They are a part of popular culture. Their grave site is not far from the drive-in movie.

Have a great weekend.


At 11:46 AM, November 12, 2005, Blogger Gretchen said...

Hey Tim,

This is your cousin Gretchen, I took my 13 year old daughter and freind to the drive in this past summer and it was a blast. They were so geeked to see a movie outside, and the one we went to showed TWO MOVIES. OMG. The only slightly down side was I forgot lawn chairs and sitting in the car got a little uncomfortable, the girls expirimented on top of the car (a Saturn) but ended up sitting outside on the ground. Personally, the best up side was I brought a book light and not being a big movie watcher could read.

Have fun, and tell us all about it.


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