Back to the chess board.
I'm ready to work on the chess board again. Refer to this first post:
The last 4 pictures there are "mock ups" and not really glued together. The chess board parts have been sitting around for a LONG time because it has always been difficult for me to accurately glue up thin strips of wood. I finally solved that problem with THIS setup...a makeshift glue up table.
On the bottom is a nice flat work table.
Above that are two plywood platforms that are exactly the same height.
The strips go ACROSS those platforms and extend off the sides, so I can put the clamps on.
On top of that are two pieces of plywood to hold the strips flat.
On top of that is a larger piece of plywood to evenly distribute weight.
On top of that is the this case a benchtop belt and disk sander. Wyle E. Coyote would use an Acme anvil, but I don't have one.
Here's how it works.
1. Set up the flat work table and plywood platforms (see pics 1 and 2).
2. Apply glue to the edges of the strips.
3. Lay them flat and next to each other (see pic 3).
4. Put all the plywood and weight on top (see pics 4, 5, and 6).
5. THEN apply the clamps, watching the edges come together so nicely.
It would be a mistake to reverse steps 4 and 5.
More to come.
nafmuhIt is amazing how you cannot just go straight to the job but require additional work before you are able to do anything. You appear to handle the extra work in stride and take pride in solving the problems that come up. I am looking forward to your first patent.
The letters in front of the previous comment were the letters for the word verification. Is there any way to eliminate these annoying verifications?
The letters can be eliminated, BUT then some automated SPAM can get through. Tell ya what. I'll turn it off for awhile and when I get the first SPAM I'll turn it back on.
oh, cool. let me know how to turn it off and on also.
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