Wednesday, May 04, 2005

On the mend

Yesterday and today I went to the chiropractor for adjustments. I'm doing better, but am now sore from the adjustments. Still have to go tomorrow too. This type of thing happened to me once over 20 years ago when I rode a mechanical bull and fell down roller skating, straight on my rear, on the same weekend. The muscles tightened up so much that they pulled things out of alignment and pinched the sciatic nerve. That bothered 1 leg tremendously. This time was my whole back. All I could think was "kill me now!!"

The chiro says to apply heat and do light stretching. I'm not thinking of Tae Kwon Do right now. So, I will SIT and pull weeds and do a lot of laying down, soaking, reading, etc. The weather is beautiful for lounging outside.

The lilac is open and the rhododendrons and peony are opening. I saw baby praying mantis(s?) all over a shrub yesterday. Every year in summer I see one LARGE praying mantis and in early spring I can usually find the egg sack. Are they territorial? Is that why it seems I only have 1 in the summer time?

There is a particular type of weed that I have become FOND OF pulling. I wish I knew what it is called. It is SIMILAR to a dandelion, but is not a dandelion. The root comes out easily and the weed is quite leafy, which requires space. That means that just a few weeds take up a lot of space, and since they're easy to pull, a lot of space is cleared quickly. Why can't all weeds be like that?


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