Monday, August 20, 2007

...and it isn't even spring.

Beautiful song from the movie "State Fair."

I am notorious for not putting things away. Sure I am CAPABLE of doing it but rarely put the careful thought into it. So paperwork and tools pile up, and every now and then I get into a situation where SOMETHING must be done to control the clutter. Spring Fever.

In my dining room there was no space on the table for using it as a dining room. Done.

In my home office I had papers and audio/video equipment on every surface. Done.

The workshop needs a cleanup, but I have been keeping that under reasonable control.

The garage needs a good once-over and that has already been started. On Saturday I can take old paint, pesticides, etc. to the hazardous materials drop off and that will be a tremendous improvement.

Now, if only I can KEEP things this way!! I know the solution is to examine the way I store things and continuously think of improvements. May take me a lifetime to think that way.


At 8:38 PM, August 20, 2007, Blogger John Beauregard said...

I find that everything is a matter of priority. A wife (Nancy in my case)helps prioritize things skewed toward cleanlinest and organization. (I know, I know, I just did a disservice to myself.)

At 9:11 PM, August 21, 2007, Blogger Marcel said...

It is surprising that you did not learn, while at Interlock, that the place had to be "inspection ready" at all times.

I do not believe for a minute that John requires Nancy to keep things organized. I have been there when he was in the midst of a major task and everything was in place. On the other hand, he takes a loooong time getting it done.


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